Visiting the Wirkini Water Reservoir

Visiting the Wirkini Water Reservoir

Visiting the Wirkini Water Reservoir Our co-founder Segundo Velasquez is currently in Bolivia, and he recently stopped by our current water project under construction – a water reservoir in Wirkini, Bolivia. He sent the following note about his visit: I visited...
More Pictures from Wirkini Water Project

More Pictures from Wirkini Water Project

More Pictures from Wirkini Water Project Yesterday we posted a few pictures updating progress on our water project in Wirkini, Bolivia for June 2015. Last night Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo staff sent a few more photos from the project taken in the past few days. Once...

Rivers to Dust

Rivers to Dust We just wanted to share this beautiful video made by Fusion on how climate change is effecting communities in the rural Bolivian Highlands. The people talking in this video have the same concerns as the community represetatives that come to Mano a Mano,...