Recent Flight to San Ramoncito

Recent Flight to San Ramoncito

Check out a few pictures from a recent Mano a Mano flight to San Ramoncito, a small community in the municipality of Beni in the Bolivian Amazon, with our Mano a Mano Aviation pilot Ivo Daniel Martinez flying our Cessna Caravan: Learn More About Mano a Mano’s...
Weekend Health Clinics – November 2021

Weekend Health Clinics – November 2021

Mano a Mano recruits medical professionals to spend a weekend providing healthcare in rural areas with limited access to healthcare. Three to eight volunteers, along with a pilot, fly to a prearranged airstrip location on an early Saturday morning, and return home the...
Providing Weekend Health Clinics in Rural Bolivia

Providing Weekend Health Clinics in Rural Bolivia

Many think of aviation as a luxury. But for rural communities in Bolivia, small aircraft often provide their only access to health care, literally the difference between life and death. Mano a Mano provides transport for people in need of emergency care; medical...