Mano a Mano Aviation Program: 2022 Results

Mano a Mano Aviation Program: 2022 Results

By The Numbers In 2022, Mano a Mano’s aviation program in Bolivia has: provided emergency transport for 155 people (4,543 emergency flights since our aviation program began) provided transport for volunteer medical professionals for 33 weekend health clinics (482...
Visit to Our St. Paul Office From Bolivia in October

Visit to Our St. Paul Office From Bolivia in October

Earlier this month, Ivo Velasquez, Program Director for Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo, made a trip to our office in St. Paul, MN, the first visit from our Nuevo Mundo counterpart since COVID restrictions restricted travel. Although we have daily contact through various...
Transporting Bricks by Plane to San Andrés

Transporting Bricks by Plane to San Andrés

Mano a Mano made a recent flight from Cochabamba to San Andrés, transporting bricks for a new noria (a hydropowered scoop wheel to lift water). Their old noria has not been able to provide sufficient water, leading to problems for the community; these new bricks for a...