2022 in Photos

2022 in Photos

Check out a few pictures from this year and what we have been able to do together below (you can also see it on Facebook here). Mano a Mano in 2022: Year in Review 2022 in Photos The Villa Nueva clinic was dedicated on December 6th, 2022. These are the 3 containers...
2021 in Pictures

2021 in Pictures

The year is coming to a close. Like last year, 2021 has been another challenging year, but we are grateful to you for helping Mano a Mano continue to partner with Bolivian communities to improve their own lives. Check out a few pictures from this year and what we have...
2019 in Photos

2019 in Photos

2019 in Photos 2019 was a milestone year for Mano a Mano as we celebrated our 25th anniversary in operation! None of our work would be possible without the support of many dedicated supporters in the US, Bolivia, and elsewhere; we thank you for helping us get here!...
30 Of Our Favorite Photos From 2015

30 Of Our Favorite Photos From 2015

30 Of Our Favorite Photos From 2015 With the year winding down, we wanted to share a few of our favorite pictures from the year. Thanks to everyone that is a part of Mano a Mano; we couldn’t do it without you! Check out the full album with descriptions and links...
10 Photos from the Center for Ecological Agriculture

10 Photos from the Center for Ecological Agriculture

10 Photos from the Center for Ecological Agriculture Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA) has had more than 1,100 visitors so far this year, and has also hosted 8 workshops covering a variety of different topics, from sustainable development to...