Tarana Clinic

Tarana is a community of 882 people located 120 kilometers southwest of Potosi. The extreme isolation of this community limited access to medical care. Tarana previously had a clinic but it was in poor condition and did not have bathrooms or a birthing room, which made it very hard to retain medical staff. Mano a Mano’s new clinic provides good facilities, along with equipment, training, and living quarters on-site for medical staff, that make it possible for Mano a Mano to retain doctors and nurses, even in extremely isolated communities.

The Tarana clinic was a collaboration between Mano a Mano Bolivia, Mano a Mano International, the community of Tarana, the Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de Tomave, and a very generous contribution from a US donor. The clinic is Mano a Mano’s 140th clinic project.









Posted on

June 16, 2015