Korka is a small community of 1,263 residents located 120 kilometers south of Potosi. The extreme isolation of this community limited access to medical care. Before this new clinic was built, the closest clinic was a 3-hour drive over a very narrow, poorly-maintained, and dangerous road with steep dropoffs. The vast majority of the time, people seeking medical attention or medical staff coming to visit had no access to a car and had to walk.
This new clinic provides immediate access to medical attention, and as with all of our clinic projects, provides ongoing training, equipment, and support to ensure that the clinics provide high-quality care for a long time. The Korka clinic was a collaboration between Mano a Mano Bolivia, Mano a Mano International, the community of Korka, the Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de Tomave, and a very generous contribution from a US donor. The clinic is Mano a Mano’s 139th clinic project.
Driving on the road to Korka