
DONATE TO MANO A MANO ON THE FORM BELOW (donations processed by and

Other Ways to Give

Mighty Cause is the primary donation processor we use, but there are many other ways to give:

  • Online via Mighty CausePlease go to this page if you would like to make a monthly contribution, or make a designation or dedication in your donation. (GiveMN uses Mighty Cause to process their donations; they are the same organization if you are redirected there.)
  • Check (mail to Mano a Mano, 925 Pierce Butler Route, St. Paul, MN 55104)
  • Stocks (please email [email protected] for stock transfer instructions)

Your support is greatly appreciated. If you can’t donate, you can still make a big difference by simply SHARING this page with your friends and family; each share generates an additional $18 in donations on average.

Give With Confidence

Mano a Mano is reviewed by the following organizations; click the clink to go to our pages on each respective website:

Thank you for choosing to support Mano a Mano! Your donation makes it possible for us to improve the lives of thousands of Bolivians.

We are rated 4 out of 4 stars by Charity Navigator. Here’s the link.

More Information About Donating to Mano a Mano

CLICK THIS LINK to Make a Designated Donation or Donate in Honor of Someone (and follow the instructions below):

If you’re interested in:

  • making a monthly or regularly scheduled contribution
  • donating in honor of someone
  • designating your donation for a specific cause or project (e.g. distributing medical supplies, building a school, clinic, road, or water project, emergency air rescue)

Please visit our full donation page on (Adding designations and dedications is a check box at the bottom of the donate page. If you are having trouble, or made a donation and weren’t able to designate it as you wanted, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be sure to designate it as you intended.)

Why Your Donation is So Important

Every project that we do in Bolivia starts with a request from a community for a need that they have identified (clinic, school, road, water project). They are heavily involved in the project, from volunteer labor to taking over administration upon completion to providing a portion of the funding – typically anywhere from 20% to 60% – and in some cases up to 100% of direct project costs!

But we can only do each project with seed money from you. Your donation kick-starts the entire process and allows Mano a Mano to begin work on a project; having a base of funding in place motivates all groups involved to see that their hoped-for project can become a reality, and pushes them to do their part.

There are many communities in Bolivia that are on our waiting list for a project. With your support we can reach one more of these communities and provide quality projects that dramatically improve their lives.

Hear from Bolivians Who Your Donation Helps Support

Your Donation Makes a Big Difference

Distributing Donated Supplies from the US to Bolivia

Mano a Mano collects donated medical, school, and construction supplies in Minnesota and ships them to Bolivia, where they are distributed to Mano a Mano’s infrastructure projects and also given, free-of-charge, to other nonprofit and civic organizations in Bolivia that work with communities in need.

Building Water Reservoirs

Water projects help farmers have access to water year-round rather than just during the 3-month rainy season. With more water they can grow more and different crops, which improves nutrition for their families and can increase income because they have more crops to sell.

Building Roads

Mano a Mano road projects dramatically reduce travel time and connect isolated communities to services and markets that were previously very difficult to get to.

Building Health Clinics and Schools

Mano a Mano clinics and schools provide health and education access to hundreds of thousands of rural Bolivians. Having readily-available doctors, nurses, dentists, and teachers in their own communities has a dramatic impact on health and education.

Providing Emergency Air Rescues

Mano a Mano’s aviation program provides air rescues for Bolivians in emergency situations that have no available means of transportation to receive care.

Stretching Your Donation

Mano a Mano has been committing to doing as much as possible with a very limited budget. In the US, we have a small staff, supporting our programs in Bolivia that are implemented and run by Bolivians. We are able to construct so many infrastructure projects each year because of our collaborative approach which brings together our staff and volunteers in both countries, the local communities, and local/national governments to achieve shared goals. Because of these partnerships, we can stretch your donation a long ways.
Your donation joins the efforts of many committed groups, working together to achieve goals that none of us could do on our own.

Other Ways to Support Mano a Mano

There are other ways that you can support Mano a Mano; if you are interested in any of the following or would like more information please feel free to contact us:

  • Volunteer
  • Gift of stock
  • Estate planning
  • Monthly contribution (Click the box for “Donate Monthly”)
  • Sponsor a project (fundraise for a specific project)
  • Host a fundraising event or informational session with friends/family, church, or organization
  • Search for in-kind donations

We the children thank Mano a Mano