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A Photographic Journey to Bolivia with Mano a Mano

A Photographic Journey to Bolivia with Mano a Mano

A Photographic Journey to Bolivia with Mano a Mano Paul Rogne traveled to Bolivia with Mano a Mano in March and September, 2019. He documented the people he met, the rural and urban scenes he saw, and the amazing transformative work that Mano a Mano has been doing for...
More than 90,000 Pounds En Route to Bolivia

More than 90,000 Pounds En Route to Bolivia

More than 90,000 Pounds En Route to Bolivia More than 90,000 pounds of donated supplies and equipment are now en route from our Saint Paul, Minnesota warehouse to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where they will be distributed to people & organizations in need throughout the...
Day 3 of Loading Containers – Almost Done!

Day 3 of Loading Containers – Almost Done!

Day 3 of Loading Containers – Almost Done! Thanks to everyone that helped out yesterday on Day 3 of loading containers! We are pretty close to filling our 4 containers with about 80,000 pounds of donated supplies and equipment, which will start their journey...
Flights This Week

Flights This Week

Flights This Week Mano a Mano flew 2 flights this week, transporting meat from Cochabamba to Oruro and bringing produce back to Cochabamba; we have a number of similar flights scheduled for the near future. The Current Situation in Bolivia This past month in Bolivia...